jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

The red eyed tree frog and the Venus flytrap. Sebastian V. V.

Red eyed tree frog: He is a green and blue frog with orange fingers, he lives in the rainforest and they have red eyes for seing in the night.. When rainfall is at its highest the male frog start moving his branches and that produce a vibration that th female frog can listen so when she listen that vibration she gets atracted so she start croacking very high so the frog can listen and go where she is so then is when start the mating so the female frog carrie the male frog in her back for hours so during that the the frog start throwing the sperm to a lake or in water and they are some of the tadpoles and then they start the eggs more or less from 30 to 50 eggs and they start as cells then they mmultiply 8 times their size so they get out of the stomach and in more or les one ore two weeks thwy start going out off the egg and converting in tadpoles and the mother give them food and she put it in a pond or in a plant with water so then they convert in metamorphose and then they are frogs so when they are frogs the mother leaved them and the start living them live but they have to take care of the fishes an the snakes when they are bebys or when they are in the egg.
here is a video of the life cycle of the frog.  http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/animals/amphibians-animals/frogs-and-toads/frog_greentree_lifecycle/

Venus Flytrap: also called Dionaea muscipula is a carnivourous plant who eats insects and arachnids that when the insect step on the trigger that are little hairs in the inner part of the plant, the plant closes and trap the insect and then some fluids make the insect dye and then the plant eat it but dont swallowed it so 10 days later he only lives the insect with nothing but his body without blood and no inner part only th part of outside remains but he is death  and in a moment he let fall some cilia hairs that are that hairs that look like the theet of the plant and they grow again because the glands of digestive fluids make grow again the hairs and that is how they reproduce.  here is a video of the venus flytrap in action. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7eQKSf0LmY        att: Sebastian V. V.

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