jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012


Outing to Camila’s doll museum

Yesterday we went to Camila’s doll museum and I learnt many interesting things. I was very happy to know so much about the human body. I didn’t know how the body works but I learnt a little bit how it works. First we saw a t.v. where they explain us the parts of the head and mouth, how the tongue makes water when we think in food or in something delicious and we saw many videos when the person finish to eat the food and how it works when is passing down.

Then we enter in Camila’s doll we enter throu her ear. They explained us how is the tongue and what happened when we have so many caries in the mouth and they demonstrate us with a robot but in form of tongue they explain when someone has to eat something it have in the mouth so much water then we touch the tongue but that was so bad.
Then we past to the part of vocal cords we know that it helps to talk and sing or so much things with the voice and they tell as it can get with out voice if it give fist so strong.
After that we see the part of the heart and we heard the voice of the Camila telling that she was pregnant and she start like crying, then we touch the heart and we see something of the circulatory system.

For last we saw camilas  stomach of and also a big baby that was inside his body. Then was all right and they tell as that in the first months the baby don’t has  complete the face but in the next months the baby is going to reconstruct the face like the holes of the nose and the form of the head and one days late the baby born and they show us where was the baby in a bed and we finish the travel we return to the school bus.

att: andres felipe erazo

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