jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

A lioness in oestrus is closely followed by the males of the pride. When the female is ready to mate, an indication is given by her making advances to the male of her choice. Copulation is quick and noisy - lasting only a few seconds. After some 10 to 20 minutes, mating is repeated. This routine can continue unabated, day and night, for several days. The mating pair go off hunting with the other pride and usually remain behind.
The reproduction of the tomatoe is sexual and thanks to the pollen bees because they take the the stamens (male reproductive system) and gynoecium (Female Reproductive System). And this process make seeds.

Mateo Suarez Ospina

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I thinks you doed in youre awn words but also is complete and it was interesting to learn abut the lion and the tomatoe.
    By: Melissa Vargas

  3. Good text, remember to include some images and/or videos.
    Miss Ale
