by: thomas alzate
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012
speak of genes
by: thomas alzate
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012
sunflower and dolphins
The sunflower is an
annual flower from America. They give that name
to de sunflower because they are so huge ire blooms whose shape and image is like the sun. Then ihey are
called like that because this flower needs too
much sun. The sun reproduce first the besss put the pollen in a sunfower then in the other.
The dolphins reproduce in autum . The female play with the male. Then their skin rubs, and they mate. They are mammals; the time of the baby on the mother could be between 10 or 12 months. When the female is going to have her baby the[UdW2]
The dolphins reproduce in autum . The female play with the male. Then their skin rubs, and they mate. They are mammals; the time of the baby on the mother could be between 10 or 12 months. When the female is going to have her baby the[UdW2]
[UdW2]Check your information, because
males swim away and females dolphins depends on other females dolphins to protect
their baby dolphin.
Physical traits with my parents
This is my family ......
I look like my mother in our eye brouse, eyes bright and big
I look like my father in our mouth and chin...
Ilook like my brother in our nose and hair
by: andres
felipe erazo
jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012
Physical traits with my parents!!
By: Ángela Rodríguez.
The first physical traits that i have with my father and my sister is that we all have a spot in our skin. It can be in the legs or arms. My father and me we have share the same color of eyes, me and my mother have the same color of hair and nose. All the family of my father (Carrillo) has a little mountain in their noses that we call the "Nariz Carrillo". Also my father when he was in the age of 20 was very much similar to my brother that now has 24.
The first physical traits that i have with my father and my sister is that we all have a spot in our skin. It can be in the legs or arms. My father and me we have share the same color of eyes, me and my mother have the same color of hair and nose. All the family of my father (Carrillo) has a little mountain in their noses that we call the "Nariz Carrillo". Also my father when he was in the age of 20 was very much similar to my brother that now has 24.
Alikes with mi family
i am so similar to my mom because we two are burnets and , que hace the sames ayes ,mouth , chiks , smile ,and so , my sister is also alike to me when a i was little she is totally equal in the temper and in her face to my dad what i have in comun with my dad ? i have the eye brows and he has a spot in his right feet that i also have just in the same place .
i am so similar to my mom because we two are burnets and , que hace the sames ayes ,mouth , chiks , smile ,and so , my sister is also alike to me when a i was little she is totally equal in the temper and in her face to my dad what i have in comun with my dad ? i have the eye brows and he has a spot in his right feet that i also have just in the same place .
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012
wat i have in comun with my faily
I have in commune
with mi mom the mouth eyes and the tem because sometimes I am happy and others
angry when I am angry I can her other people without care.
I have with
commune with mi dada the hands feeds because we have our feeds and hands so big
and also the ficile.
I have in
commune with y sister the face and the color of our hair.
I have in
commune with my brother the color of our of skin.
Family Trails by Francisco Robles
My grandma Ana and I have the same feet, our big toe are the same shape.
My mom and sister have the same hair and eyes color, and the same nose as I do.
I have the same ears, mouth and shape of the face of my dad. I also hace the same interest for math and science.
My grandma Nelly said I have the same eye color as my grandpa Pedro.
By Francisco
Genes on my family.
I am alike to my mother because we have the same lips, the same cheeks, the same chin and the same hair with my father i have the same nose the same hands and the same ears but the eyes i take it from the grand father of my dad, and with my brothers is almost the same but Diego have the same hair of my dad and David have the color skin of my dad and my brother says i look like my dog Candy.
this is my family I love them and we all like the music but me and david are the only one that are going to study music well david already study it but im going to study it and diego likes music to but he is going to study actuation
but first he is studiing history. att: Sebastian Vera
this is my family I love them and we all like the music but me and david are the only one that are going to study music well david already study it but im going to study it and diego likes music to but he is going to study actuation
but first he is studiing history. att: Sebastian Vera
My physical Treats with my big brother that is the one of my familythat is similar like me: Andres Triana my big brother is just like me he Has my eyes, my eyebrows, my mouth , the actitude , the feet, and the front......We have almost the same Physical treats when we where little because when he was little his height was small like me,and when he was little he like to eat so much, and he move the teath the same year that i do.
Also i have in commun with my mom and my big brother is that all of us we have the same mouth because my brother and me we inherited it from my mom.
By:Maria Alejandra Triana
From my Dad I got the same nose from heredity of my grandfather and dad, my brother got his ears, my mom and I saw they had 5 mm bigger the rigth ear than th left one; and my sister is really alike to my father from head to toes, their even similar to their way of being.
From my Mom Im really similar with her big eyes and Lips and we are really sentimental, my brother is alike to my mom from head to toes and my brother, mother and me are very sentimental and we are really alike to our form of being. My sister has nothing in common with my mom, when she was born my mother got really shocked beacuse they had nothing in common
Laura Pinilla Tous
my family
the phcical characteriss litoc that i have whith my family is shape of the hed is ecual of mi fhater one and the colors of hair and eyes of mi mother and the way of be of mi brother mi my eyes are bronw and mi mother ones to my brother have the same eyes of me and my father have the same shape of the head all the men brothers of mi father they don't have so much hair so if the heredaty continue is supose that me and my brother wiil not have so much hair the way of be of my brother is a litle bit inmadure because we fith so much ad we are so imadure i take the way of be to of my uncle she is so creative and imaginative and a litle bit crazy but we are so dedicted
in the thinks and we like so much to be active
in the thinks and we like so much to be active
by: luis alejandro ramirez
parecidos familiares
I look like my mom, because I have tmy mom's same eyes, my sister's same color of skin, her nose, her hands and cheeks and my fathers hair color.
similarities with my parents by DANIEL
I am similar to my dad in our face we have the same nose a the same eyes.I am similar to my
gradmother in many thing we are similar in all the face and in the ears and our personaliti is
very ecual.Iam similar to mu mom becaus we have the same form of the feets. amd Iam similar
sister in our smile and how we lough and my granfather called thomas is similar to me because he
have the fingres like a diferent fron and me to have the same problem.


I am similar to my dad in our face we have the same nose a the same eyes.I am similar to my
gradmother in many thing we are similar in all the face and in the ears and our personaliti is
very ecual.Iam similar to mu mom becaus we have the same form of the feets. amd Iam similar
sister in our smile and how we lough and my granfather called thomas is similar to me because he
have the fingres like a diferent fron and me to have the same problem.
Jorge Alfredo Bulla Agudelo
I am very similar similar to my father and to my mother and I have the personality of many of my family but like many of you you love your family and dont import the differences to your family because is part of you.
this is my father the wan that have the cup.
And this is me.
I am very similar similar to my father and to my mother and I have the personality of many of my family but like many of you you love your family and dont import the differences to your family because is part of you.
this is my father the wan that have the cup.
And this is me.
Physical traits with my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In this homework we where suposed to discover physical traits we share with our family. In my case I discover that all of my family share the exactly same color of eyes. Also I discovered that all Gutierrez de Piñeres sharethe same spot in the leg. This activity was beautiful because I discover that our familiy has a lot of physical traits and I learn that our DNA has that conditions.
By: Gabriela Romero.
martes, 7 de febrero de 2012
what i have in common whith my family
whith my family i have in comon:
the smoth hair beetwen my I and my cousing Daniel Meyer who lives in Ecuador, big eyebrows like the one that have my mother and father but specially my mother and its family ( Meyer ) that we all have big eyebrows and myfamily that all have a beautifull smille that we all use it alot.
BY: Thomas Guillermo Alzate Meyer
the smoth hair beetwen my I and my cousing Daniel Meyer who lives in Ecuador, big eyebrows like the one that have my mother and father but specially my mother and its family ( Meyer ) that we all have big eyebrows and myfamily that all have a beautifull smille that we all use it alot.
BY: Thomas Guillermo Alzate Meyer
science homework!!
the science homework we have to make the physical appearence with my family i have like all things in comun: the eyes we have it in all the famil, i have the nose of my my father and my brother of my mother, i have the front of my mom and we have others things in comun like we all are O+.
BY: Lina Marcela Davila!
BY: Lina Marcela Davila!
lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012
The sunflower is an annual flower from America. They give that name to de sunflower because they are so huge ire blooms whose shape and image is like the sun. Then ihey are called like that because this flower needs too much sun. The sun reproduce first the besss put the pollen in a sunfower then in the other.
The dolphins reproduce in autum . The female play with the male. Then their skin rubs, and they mate. They are mammals; the time of the baby on the mother could be between 10 or 12 months. When the female is going to have her baby the felamle take care of the male wen she is going to have the baby.
domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012
speach with camelo BY DANIEL
I learn many things and I copy all the information and I will tell all. Each living thing have diferent number of chromososmes. In our cells we have a lot of information like our personality. In al the parts of our body we have protein, so we are like protein. Our DNA is equal the diference is the orther of the leters. The DNA that is not of our body the body sistem distroy the other DNA.
eduardo camelo speach by luis ramirez
eduardo camelo speach
eduardo tell us about the DNA and the GENES he tell us how to identify by the chromosomes if is MALE or FEMALE the male have a chromosome in form a Y and a chromosome in form of X and the women have the two cromosomes in form of X he show as about what was the problem of the down sindrome why was caused this sindrome start when the baby in in creation proces in the 21 chromosome the chromosome duplicate like all of them but it groos and other chromosome that makes that they cant think so good . he tell us ahat bout to of the dna and i ask a question why it exist an animal called okapi that is a combination betwen zebra jirafe and horse he tell me that was agood question and that know it now alot about of science that you cantake the dna from the nucleus of a cell and covine whith another tipe of dna we will have a mutuation and somethink that is so interestingis that in the future the doctors can do a modification taking aut that extra chromosome and they will cure the sindrom of down .

eduardo camelo speach!!
eduardo camelo teach us about DNA,gens and chromosomes. also learn that the people can clone me without needed mother or father. is imporatnt to know that there are to chromosomes that is the one who is incharge to indentifi the sex of a human been or animal, females have to X X chromosomes and the male have X and Y if you are a male. all the cells have a code that make you diferent of the others.
by: lina marcela davila
Eduardo Camelo
I learn too much
things like the ADN is made of molecules and atoms. I also learn that one
especial boy or girl can be a normal boy or girl like us. I also learn that the
people can clone me without need mi mother and father. I also learn that if our
DNA change we can change. The DNA are made with a order especial of molecules and
atoms. We have the same proteins of the plants.
valeria acosta sandoval
valeria acosta sandoval
sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012
Eduardo Camelo
On Friday we had a chat with Eduardo Camelo and he explain us more about genes and other things.
I learn a lot of things for example that we have more than of cells in our body. Also that if something is wrong only a little part you can born for example with Down syndrome.
I learn a lot of things for example that we have more than of cells in our body. Also that if something is wrong only a little part you can born for example with Down syndrome.
Learning experience Eduardo Camelo:
During this unit of inquiere i have seen the reproduction of animal, plants and humans, but by know i learn new things with Eduardo that are so interesting for our bodies like that we have 2 chromosomes X and Y that are the ones that have the boys and the girls have Y and Y, also i learn that when an spern and an ovule get join it get created a baby but the one who decides if its going to be a boy or a girl are the chromosomes of the boy they decide if is goin to be Y,X or Y,Y. This information is so sorprising of our body and i want to learn more of these.
Maria Alejandra Triana.
Eduardo´s speach: Genes and DNA by Francisco Robles

I read in Wikipedia that the DNA segments carrying this genetic information are called genes. Likewise, other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.DNA consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides, with backbones made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester bonds. These two strands run in opposite directions to each other and are therefore anti-parallel.
Infomation goten from wikipedia.
LEARNING EXPERIENCE WITH EDUARDO: We had a talk with a especialist with the topic of the genes, DNA, etc. He told us that a human bean has between 40 and 50 chromosomes; Sometimes when the body increases one chromososme, while growing good and bad things can happen to living things.
In the tiny triangles that we see in our skin, we have between 2.000 of cells. The nucleos of the cell has a "bag" that tells if its a Female or a Male. Every Cell has a Code, if the cell doesnt have it, the cell will die.
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When one of the chromosme increases |
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DNA its formed by guanine, cytosine timine and adenine Laura Pinilla Tous |
You know that in the small triangles of our skin he have like 2.000 of cells.the nucleus of the cell have like a bag that are the chromosomes and can identify the sex of the person if is male or female the Y = male and the X = female, the DNA have a pattern that is Adomina,Guanina,Cytosina,Thymine and Caroitipo, all the genes that have the persons and he have a pattern if changes only one the person change absolutlly, all the cells have a code if he dont have the code the celll die.
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