martes, 31 de enero de 2012

We went to see the body of Camila. We learned new things about  our body that we did not know, it was fun to know how are our bodies inside. 

We also learned about the cells.

By: Maria Jose Garcia


de 1 that the tittle is pregnancy is ok Melissa Vargas


 A normal pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks and is grouped into the trimesters. Symptoms of early pregnancy include the absence of mestrual periods, breast changes, tiredness, nausea, mood swings, or other symptoms.

By the end of 37 week, a baby is considered full term and its organs are ready to function on their own.

Conclusion Camila's outing - Maria Alejandra Triana

Jan 26\12  Camila's Outing!
Iportant concepsts paragraph #2-3: My unit of inquieres is colled HOW THE WORLD WORKS and we are talking about the reproduction that is one of the concepts. Reproduction is a process that reproduce new people. The other concept is sexual health, that is something that the teenagers have to care because when they have sex they need to care of their health with medicine or objects that can prevent sicknesses that the people transmit whe they have sex. Change: this is a concept that is about changes that cahn happened when the mom has a baby, there we can find a change that is the one, when the baby changes  throw time and it happens in all the species.

By now we have seen 3 important concepts that are the ones wich i think they are more related with the U.I and they are important to us.The next one is Adaptation: adaptation is when you get adapt to a new place, and my example is when a baby adapts to the life because the get born in a new place.And the las one is genes: genes makes part of the DNA of a baby and that cames because their family.

Camila's outing

I learn with all this experience the consequences of reproducing, how the babies born, how the man pregnant the girl and how I can be protect of the disease and all that. Because if I don't  care this concepts (that are to be responsable etc); the reproduction would be not good.

investigando camila

investigating camila

on this outing i learn:
in this out theyexplain us that when thewomen is preagnant she have to has healthy habits and adapts herself to the changes in her habits like not smoking and drinking alcohol, she has to eat a eleot of vegetables and balance her food every day then she will have a healthy baby. another thing that is that thenmothers take vitamins anbd do some exersice and go to the medic frecuently to find diseases  in her pregnancy so they can correct deases

thomas alzate

Muñeca camila
During the outing to the muñeca camila I learned about the human body as the heart and the digestive process and diseases.

I learned that the heart is a machine that distributes blood throughout the body and also that the cigar has poisonous substances that cause cancer.

In this outing I develops the atribute of inquier because I investagate of the human body, and I was also communicator because I heard carefully the guide.

Mateo Suarez Ospina

Muñeca camila
During the outing to the muñeca camila I learned about the human body as the heart and the digestive process and diseases.

I learned that the heart is a machine that distributes blood throughout the body and also that the cigar has poisonous substances that cause cancer.

In this outing I develops the atribute of inquier because I investagate of the human body, and I was also communicator because I heard carefully the guide.
Outing to Camilas
For the U.I we are working on (How the world works) we study reproduction as a apart of the life cycle, sexual health and reproduction, genetics ah heredity factors. For this topic we went to Camilas b jody, to learn more about each thing.

In Camilas we had a connection with our lines of inquiry, the adaptation because in Camila had to adapt beng pregnant, so that she feels comfortable, and then adapt to be without the baby.

Reproduction, Camila had a baby, and it shows us how she grows each month and then how it  and moves, so that at the end he could get in the best position to be able to give birth correctly.

Sexual Health; Camila had sexual relationships, cause she had a baby and took the decision to love her, take care of her, etc. Camila during birth she took good take care of her, so that the baby was in a good health.

For us is a really important topic to learn, because it teaches us we need to take care of each other, to prevent diseases, and to learn one of the curios things there is.

Laura Pinilla Tous

the trip in camila´s bodys

This trip was very  interesting because I learnt  many things and they showed   some concepts  like reproduction  , adaptation  and change .  This concepts are so complete . I discover new thinks  about this concepts  to have more clear information.This concepts were three of the ones that I learnt  and I think that it have a clear connection with the unit of inquiry and the central idea because this concepts are the key concepts of this unit of inquiry  reproducion, adaptation, change .

by : luis ramirez

Camila's outing text.

With "Camila" yo can learn about reproduction ; inside the body, we can llearn how to be healthy and with sexual health too, we can see what genes have Camila's son, so you can learn so many things going there, it's something very interesting.
att: Sebastian Vera V.

salida a la gigante Camila

my conclution of the outing to "Camila" I learn that we need to take care of our sexual health and the time when reproduce because the changes that it makes in the life and in the case of adaptation it can be inrreversible those changes

BY: Juan Manuel Marquez

During the outind to Camila I learnt how human beings reproduce. Camila is pregnant and her doctor said that she was taking care of her baby because she was having a healthy diet

Gabriella Gonzalez Tellez


Camila the giant woman

Today Monday 23rd of January of 2012 we had a meeting with human body. In this meeting we learnt a lot of things related to the U.I. and also of our body. With those two learnings we finally do some connections between them.

In my case I did five connections, one of them is about responsability. This concept is related to both learnings because there are a lot of responsabilities of a child....................

By: Gabriela Romero.

camilas experience !

During the outing to Camila we discover and learn interesting things; we look at our bodies inside and we knew that our body is so complicated and we need to take care of it. We learn that to have babies we need to have so much responsibility and we need to be in a good condition.
by: Lina Marcela Dávila


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POr: Alejandra Echeverry

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Outing to Camila

Last week we went with 5 graders to visit "Camila". The outing was interesting and very instructive; it showed students about the different system in the human body, such as the reproduction system. They were amazed about each system and its complexity.